Friday, January 30, 2009

A couple of blows to the democrats

Well, seems that we have one Military Judge that is going to continue proceedings against the US Cole bombing mastermind.....even if it goes against President Obama's executive order.

In other news.....well former Mr.Vice President Al Gore was attacked by the Weather Channel. Stating that his assumption of Global Warming is all wrong and is nothing but a hoax, and a big one at that. Of coarse we know that. What is going on in today's realm of things is simply normal. Sure we put gasses into the atmosphere and it might cause little to no damage. Scientist even tell us that burning a fire outdoors pollutes the atmosphere. How long have we been burning wood outdoors? I thought so, a very very long time. What is happening to the polar ice cap's is also normal. See we go through warm seasons and the we go through deep freeze seasons. Mother nature knows how to take care of herself. Melting ice cap's replenish our oceans and seas. In another few years, those caps will freeze again and freeze for a long time. It's all normal folks, dont believe this "global warming" crap. Al Gore, just stay away and find something more to do with your time, scaring the American people is just wrong, and anyone with any know how to do a search on the internet knows that you did not create the internet, and knows what global warming is really all about, not what you say and let flab out of your mouth. There is a good reason why your not President and were not fit to be Vice President........

Ok, thats it for now.....boy a lot happening here lately and much to talk about. I like this blogging thing, at least I can put my feelings out here and that is that.

Gov. Rod Blagojevich out!

Well everyone knew that it was going to happen. After listening to the Gov go on and on about how he was so great and because of him a lot of people are better off I had to laugh. He brought up a lot of stuff that had nothing to do with why he was in hot water in the first place.

If you have been following any of this then you know he is guilty as guilty can get. If not, the Gov was arrested on corruption charges-saying that he was trying to sell Senator Obama's seat. Live Leak dot com had one of the transcripts between the Gov and now Obama's Chief of Staff(that guy scares me more than any of the people in the White House). Rahm Emanuel is one to be scared of folks. If I can find the transcript on I will post it here. Him and the Gov were going back and forth cursing each other out. This is one big conspiricy. Gov. Blagojevich got what was coming to him and he tried to take down all other politicians in his last speech before the Illionois State Senate. We all know that politicians dont play by the book, some better than others, some worse than others, but he tried telling the senate that everyone plays the game and thats just how it is. No, its not how it "just is" and someone needs to stand up and hold politicians accountable. The Lt.Gov has been very outspoken against Gov.blagojevich and now takes the office. I hope that he is able to clean the pieces back up and do things right in Illinois.

My friends this is only a start to what will be a "war of many wars" here at home. It will start at the bottom and work its way up. Just today, Fox news is reporting that Senator Hillary Clinton cannot legally be Secretary of State. Why do you ask? and everyone thought that the Senate had worked out all the details? Well seems that the Senate lowered the pay for the Secreatary of State job just so Clinton could get in. However, what they did not concern themselves with is the fact that her being Secretary of State is illegal. Foxnews is reporting that a high ranking Military official(one with brains and has served under both democrats and republicans and has no ventetta against Clinton) is taking this legal matter to court, because he was charged with the order of upholding the US CONSTITUTION!!! He said that he cannot just stand by and let her or anyone else for that matter just get away with it. Good luck with that, I hope he can get the job done and she gets ousted too. Then what will Clinton do? She has no senate seat? She will be nobody? oh my....noo.....nooo....say that is not true!!!!

Ok, well things continue to develop and has they do I will continue my thoughts here on my blog, I look forward to any and all comments.

Thats it for now...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama's first 6 days

Well, I just found something out that FOX news, CNN news, and MSNBC are not reporting.<---follow link) is reporting that President Obama's first sit down interview was with an Arabic news agency "Al-Arabiya". Seems to me that Obama needs to worry about problems here at home rather than taking the time to talk to a Arabic news agency. I know that diplomacy is what works, but at a time when America is falling to pieces literally he needs to be more focused on America. But as you all know I am not a supporter of Obama and I said many times over before he was elected that his name said it all and we knew right were most of his thoughts were. His name? Barry(Barrack Hussein Obama) thats right folks, we have an Arabic President. If you think for one minute that this President is going to save the world you are sadly mistaken. So just what has Obama done in the first 6 days? Lets find out. 1) Signed and Executive order to close Guantamamo Bay Prison.---I have to say that this is probably the most idiotic thing I have ever seen done. Why you ask? Simple, do you know who is at that prison? Thats right....terroists. Folks that have been deemed terrorist by the United States of America, not George W Bush, but America. Masterminds behind the 9/11 bombings are there also. So lets get this straight. Close the prison. Bring the terrorists to America? WHAT?? I have heard for the last 6 days that because America is a free country and our rule of the land is due process that these terrorist should be able to have due process and be tried under the law. What law? Our law. Our law states that we do not negotiate with terrorists. So why bring these terrorists to America? It is all part of Obama's evil plan. Obama has plans of a one world governement. He thinks he is the Messiah(even though he is most definately wrong). This was a bad decision by Obama to do this. These terrorist need to stay out of our country, locked away and if they are tortured to gain information to PROTECT AMERICANS then so be it. If this was completely reversed our people would have been subjected to the worst of what torture has to offer, and might I remind each and everyone of you that our troops even to this day and this hour and minute are being tortured?? Our techniques and torture are nothing compared to what the Arabic world has to offer. How much nicer can we be to these terrorists?? 2) Abortion. Now I know this is a touchy subject for a lot of folks. Well I am very conservitave when it comes to the subject. I dont believe in Abortion nor do I believe that we should fund any orginization that believes in abortion. For Obama to competely flip around what President Bush inacted is completely wrong and goes to show that Obama has no moral values and does not believe in the right to live. This is the second thing that the "Obamanation" has done wrong. 3) Flip Flopper. Bet you never thought you would hear that again did ya? Well seems that Obama is right there is Senator John Kerry. In speaking of Lobbiest, he laid out another Directive stating this:

"Lobbying Limits

A lobbyist who joins the Obama administration also is forbidden from working on issues they previously were involved with, he said. Any person who leaves the administration will be barred from lobbying the government for two years.

“We need to close the revolving door that lets lobbyists come into government freely and lets them use their time in public service” to promote their own interests when they leave, the president said. Government hiring, he said, will henceforth be based on qualifications, competence and experience, “not political connections.""

According to News at least 9 people from his transition team are now employeed by Obama. Thats right these 9 were Lobbyists. When will the double faceness ever stop by the democrats. Do they think people are not watching?


6 days Obama has been in office. On January 20, 2009 he took the oath of office to be some of America's President. Yes Obama is the President of the United States of America, but he is not my President. The Executive orders and directives that he has given thus far only show what kind of President he will be and how long these 4 years indeed are going to last. A lot of you that voted for him have high expectations and I hope your not too disappointed when most of them do not happen. Reversing the abortion ruling simply will lead to more abortions, will allow funding for stem cell research. To me this is just territory that should be off limits. A life is a life, let it be. In the 6 days that Obama has been President he has had his own party begin to wonder why they voted him in. the deceit that Obama brought with his campaign to become President is the same deceit that he is using today. Only difference now is he is president and pretty much can do what he wants. We all become his puppets and he controls us and everything that we do. Obama's campaign started in the living room of a WELL KNOWN AMERICAN TERRORIST and will tell you that he is, but Obama said that it was ok, what he done was dispecable and he has never went back on that, and knows now and knew then that Tom Ayers was a terrorist and has never recinded that statement. How did we let a man become president that is muslim, began his carrer in the living room of a terrorist, a terrorist which by the way degrades the American Flag by placing it on the ground and standing on it (you can search this out on the internet and see plenty of pictures).

Obama does not deserve to be President. He is a sweet talker, was very good at getting his message acrossed to the American People and because he was Half Black automaticly received the vote from all African Americans. By the way did you see the KENYAN NEWS the day that Obama accepted the nomination to become President? It said "Kenyan born Obama to become US President" What is wrong with our country?

America, we need to step up and fight for what is right in this great Country. We are still bound by a Constitution and we need to use it and fight. The Obamanation will not stop until it has utterly destroyed the constitution and the rights of each and every American Citizen. Not to mention the Troops that have died to this day defending our freedom. Freedom is never free, it comes with a price, do you want to see that all go away with the signing of a pen from one man? I should hope you dont.

What will the next 6 days bring for America, sit back and watch, we will have another blog on this subject then. Within the next 30 days I expect to see the Brady bill and Guns brought into the lime light. Remember that we are a Country that believes in the 2nd ammendment. You may not believe in guns, but there are MILLIONS out there that do and believe that it is their right to bear arms and protect themselves. Expect that to come up soon. If and when that does happen, America watch out, the criminals and the government underworld(obamanation) will take charge and you will get to see what Obama is all about.

I rate the Obamanation a F for Failure.

Thats it for now, I look forward to any and all comments.....till next time...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Have not blogged in a while

I have not been blogging for a while, I will start back up soon. I am not here to aggravate anyone or make anyone mad. I do have my opinion's but am willing to discuss things in a decent manner. If you can do the same then I look forward to your post's. There are a lot of people in this world and we all think and do things differently. Please be respectful if and when you do post.....

Next blog coming up will be "6 days in office for Obama, and what I think"