Saturday, March 28, 2009

To Anyone that is reading this!

I am taking just a moment to relax. I just wanted to say that if you are reading this blog and you find it interesting would you care to respond? I would love to hear all the different opinion out there. There is no reason to fight and bicker that is not what our Country needs right now. Perhaps you dont share my values and or my conservative opinion. We all can agree that our Country is going down the pipes. So I challenge you as a United States Citizen. Stand up and be counted. Let you voice be heard from the mountain tops. Voice your opinion now before that sad day comes that you cannot.

While the topics that I post here are serious in nature and very disturbing, we are allowed to have fun. So, got something to say? Say it!!! I would love to to see some interaction here.

Ok, probably will have a new post tomorrow unless something changes this morning.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Presenting.....Hillary Clinton(you may remain seated)

"Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade. Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the death of police officers, soldiers and civilians," she said during her flight to Mexico City.

"I feel very strongly we have a co-responsibility."

She said US efforts to ban drugs such as cocaine and heroine had clearly not worked and it was unfair to blame Mexico for its drug cartel problem.

These were her words on board her aircraft en route to Mexico to meet with Mexico's President. Is she right? Well yes she is, but only to a point. She is correct that our inability to prevent weapons, drugs and aliens from crossing the border is the problem. Why is it a problem? It's a problem because we have no where near enough agents on the ground to control the situation. There is over 2500 miles of border to protect. The President of the United States has already said that there is not one particular reason that comes into his little shallow bean for a brain as to why we would need to activate the national guard and put them on the border. Today Fox News and CNN News along with others report that a US Marshall was found shot and killed. He was shot in the head and found lying in a ravine. DING DING DING DING.....that alone right there should be all the reason he needs to do the right thing. We need to help Texas, California, Arizona. The National Guard needs to be activated and they need to bring everything that they have at their disposal. Once and for all we need to put a stop to anyone crossing the border. This will stop the weapons. It will stop the drugs, it will stop it all. Once the border is secure, anyone wishing to come to America must do so properly. Anyone seeking to cross over to Mexico will have to do so properly.

We have played around long enough. It's time that the border be shut down, gain control of the border and then slowly but surely allow people to move back and forth. However long this takes is what it takes, then slowly we can withdraw our National Guardsmen and turn total control back over to the Border Patrol.

In other news, again North Korea is being really defiant. They have moved their missile out to the launch pad and have said that they are going to launch a satellite into orbit. However, our intelligence proves otherwise and North Korea has said that if we bomb their missile out of the sky then that is a declaration of war. If that is what North Korea wants, then that is what North Korea will get. When you play with fire, you get burnt. North Korea is playing with fire and will get burnt. If they declare war on the USA, then before they even know what is going on, there will be 5 B52's, Several B2 bombers and several F117's dropping bombs on them completely rendering them incompetent. North Korea does not want to declare war on the USA.

If you are not paying attention to what is happening in Politics, then folks now is the time to start watching, listening. This is your Country. These politicians work for us! We pay them, we pay their income tax, AMERICA is OURS. It is time to take America back and it's time to start holding each and every politician accountable.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Deeper and Deeper we go....

January 20,2009 because the most saddest day as we know it. Most of America elected barack hussain obama as the President of the United States of America. Along with electing him came his cronies. Well eric holder is one of those cronies. This guy is such a coward that he immediately along with crony in chief rahm emmanual began an assault on the 2nd amendment. These guys are so scared that Americans are going to arm themselves and fight agains the government that it really is no laughing matter now. Americans have went out and they are still going out in RECORD numbers to purchase handguns, Rifles, and ammunition. holder is suppose to be the attorney general. He is the nations top cop. He should really act like it. Start enforcing the laws that are already on the books and stop trying to come up with a way to re-enact the assault weapons ban. Guns are a way of life here in America. Sure in the wrong hands guns do kill, but it takes a human being to pull the trigger. What holder and the other cronies fail to realize is that the 2nd amendment is NOT TO BE INFRINGED UPON! America has started to wake up. She is waking up with a vengence, and once she is woke up she is going to be a raging lunatic. She will fight aginst this obamanation and rid it from our land. The US Constitution was written for a reason and I believe it for how it is written. Word for word. So, Mr.Holder, enforce the laws that are already on the books. Make sure that your team is doing their job and stop these people that are illegially buying automatic rifles and making it rough on the law abiding tax paying American Citizen. Fox news today had a story on him and the title was "Guided by History". In that story he referred to several past Attorney General's and hung 4 pictures of them in the conference room at the Justice Department. It is ashame that he can even compare himself to the likes of these people. This guy ought to be ashamed of himself.
Holder needs to resign his postion. Why? like I said above, he has already decieved the American people. He has lied to them telling them that he is all for 2nd amendment rights but then turns around and says that he wants to see the assault weapons ban re-enacted!! To me that is a violation of his oath of office. The oath of office that he swore to uphold and defend. These cronies are not Americans people!! They are just a part of an organization that is out for one thing......WORLD DOMINANCE!

On another note, it seems that America and America's military is standing by as North Korea has moved its missile out to the launch pad. Since when did we launch satellites into space via a missile? North Korea has already said that if we attempt to shoot this missile when fired that it will be a declaration of war. I say bring it on, lets shoot down this missile and then before they know what hits them have a couple of B52's and B2's bomb the daylights out of them. They may have a very large ground force, but they cannot get those ground forces very far, and our air superiority is not one to be messed with. We can once and for all show North Korea that they are nothing. They have threatened for long enough and opened their mouths one too many times. Now its time for America to shove a sock in it and shut them up for a while. While this is happening, IRAN take notice.....your next.

And on even a better note, our wonderful(said with extreme sarcasm)Secretary of Defense, Bill mean Hillary Clinton is over in Mexico. That situation is already bad enough why in the heck are we sending her over there???? We don't need her over there, we need troops, we need a wall of some sort...we need protection. Keeping these scumbags(no offense to the good Mexican people) from entering our Country and keeping scumbags from entering their Country. Instead, obama's plan of attack is 50-100 additional agents and Clinton??? oh my, May God have mercy on us all. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE CRAZY PEOPLE???? America please wake up....please wake up and see what is going on right in our own back yards and what they are trying to do to us!!! Stand up and fight....fight America. We must live free or die, its that simple.

oh boy...I am so furious.....ok, well that is enough for now, perhaps more later if I see anything else stupid, er interesting come along.....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

obama: The liar and deceiver

So while looking today at live (if you dont visit this site, this site is one of the best out there for live breaking real news) I came across a video that says it all.

It describes the differences between CANDIDATE obama and President obama.......view it for yourself then make the decision for yourself.

However, it is my view that he and the obamanation are complete liars, deceivers and are out to rule the Country and damn the American People.

Finally help for Texas??

Well, no not really!

Seems that the obamanation is now concerned about the border. So, obama wants to send 50-100 more agents to the border. This will be border patrol, US Marshals and US Customs. Is this a joke? I mean seriously are we this stupid that we think that 50-100 more agents is going to secure and protect the border? Come on America WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!

The obamanation is destroying this Country. Texas......You have a great Governor, urge your governor to activate the Texas National Guard. Texas does not need the persmission of the United States of America to do this. The time is now Texas, do the right thing and forget about obama. obama forgot about Texas a long time ago.

It's time to IMPEACH obama and his cronies.

Here is the link to the article....

Just makes me sick, I love my Country and to see this man and his cronies continue to destroy our Country makes me sick! IMPEACH OBAMA NOW!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Our Representatives.....

So you think they have your interest at heart do you? What in the world is up with all the lying and the behind the scenes crap going on lately? America is struggling and the Congress and the House of Representatives are just dragging us along like puppies on a string. Senator Dobb should be thrown out or asked to resign. No longer does this man have the best interest of the United States of America at heart. He lied. He also has has bribed the system, has made money off of this AIG business and yet nobody is screaming to get rid of him. Why do we let these people continue to be our representatives. Sr. Dobb do the right thing....if you know how. RESIGN.

All of obama's cronies need to resign, even obama needs to step down. These people are ruining our Country people!! Can't you see this? Its not a matter any more of Democrat or Republican, its about saving our Country. Our Country is worth it right? Step up and voice your opinion about who is representing you. We have to get back up in the saddle and take our Country back, because if you and I dont.....who will? or will we even have a Country to take back?

So shame on you Congress and shame on your house of have done a dis-service to us. You know who you are, and this is your call to do the right thing. Step down. Senator Dobb, Senator Bryd, Senator Kerry and many more need to be gone. A fellow co-worker and I were discussing tonight that we should call for term limits. Some of these Senators have been there for over 20 years. How do they keep their jobs? Who keeps voting them back in? You cannot tell me that most of these senators are that good.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama Deception

On March 15, 2009 talk show host Alex Jones released another video titled The Obama Deception. This video is not about the right, nor the left. They cut through the red tape to show you why the obama deception has worked.

If you are interested you can view some of it at or you can go to his website

Alex speaks the truth about what is happening in our society. We live in a very dangerous and corrupt world and now its even worse since obama has taken over.

Check those websites out and make the decision for yourself.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is obama impeachable?

There are a couple of sites that are trying to get impeachment proceedings started on barack(barry) hussein obama. In order to find out if he is impeachable, we must understand just what impeachment is.

Impeachment in the United States is an expressed power of the legislature which allows for formal charges to be brought against a civil officer of government for conduct committed in office. There are 4 reasons that bring about articles of impeachment. They are:

1) Treason
2) Bribery
3) High Crimes
4) Misdemeanors

What is Treason?

1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.
3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

1. Treason, sedition mean disloyalty or treachery to one's country or its government. Treason is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government. Sedition is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense. 2. See disloyalty.

So, has obama commited Treason? Well....yes he has. The statement above says, "any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance". Simply put, it has been the goal of obama to overthrow the government even before he was elected to the office of President of the United States. obama does ow an allegiance to this County-the United States of America and to each of its 50 States. Right now 33 States have or are claiming Soverignty. The states are invoking their 10th amendment-
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people".
One statement that is being written in the proclamation by each of these states is this- "We also urge the federal government to halt
its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the Constitution of the United States."

Now, if obama and the obamanation are not stepping on Treason then I dont know what else it is. It's crimes against the states. obama and his cronies are overstepping their boundaries and trying to tell the states what they can and cannot do. This goes against his oath of office and against the 50 states, thus it is Treason. You all have seen the pictures on the internet and news media outlets of the United States of America Flag in the background with the National Anthem being played. Everyone on the stage had their hand over their heart with the exception of obama. Now, call it what you want, but when you are a Senator and the Flag is present and the Anthem being played you salute the Flag. obama did not, why? Where exactly is his allegiance. Well, his allegiance is to the Muslim faith. Why do I say this? Because it has been proven that barry attended a muslim school when he was a child. Now, if you know anything about the Muslim faith, it says that once you are Muslim you cannot change your faith. If you do you will be subjected to death. obama claims that he is a Christian. He has never went any further than that, that is because he cannot. If he goes any further he will be caught in yet another lie. obama has no allegiance to the United States of America.

What is Bribery?

Bribery is the offer or acceptance of anything of value in exchange for influence on a government/public official or employee. Bribes can take the form of gifts or payments of money in exchange for favorable treatment, such as awards of government contracts. In most situations, both the person offering the bribe and the person accepting can be charged with bribery.

Is obama guilty of bribery? Oh you bet ya he is! obama's track record in the Illinois Legislature is a very shady one. He bribed to get his 625,000 home a steal considering the home was for sale at $1.65 million! He also was part of a bribe in gaining his seat to the US Senate. He also has been proven to have been involved along with his current Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel of offering obama's senate seat for a price, of which Gov.Blanco was impeached from office just recently. obama's life has been filled with this type of activity. He also bribed the American People. He bribed them by telling them to vote for him for President and he would change Washington, he would make governement more transparent, he would leave bills out there to be read in full before signing. He told the American People that pork barrell spending was going to be done, yet he signed the largest bail out bill full of a little over 8000 earmarks worth millions of dollars. His bribery to the American People worked. He now has the USA right where he wants them. Now he can invoke his Socialist idea's and the American People wont even see it coming.

What is High Crimes and misdemeanors?

High crimes and misdemeanors is a phrase from Section 4 of Article Two of the United States Constitution: "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

"High" in the legal parlance of the 18th century means "against the State". A high crime is one which seeks the overthrow of the country, which gives aid or comfort to its enemies, or which injures the country to the profit of an individual or group. In democracies and similar societies it also includes crimes which attempt to alter the outcome of elections.

Most of these have already been talked about above. But one still stands very clear. Terrorism. obama's carrer in politics started in the living room of the well known American Terrorist Tom Eyers. That is right folks, obama even admited to sitting in this very living room and discussing politics with him. When asked why he was in the living room of a known domestic terrorist, he simply said that he believed that what Tom did was dispecable but carried on with his discussions anyway. Tom Eyers has NEVER EVER said he was sorry for the acts that he committed, has never said that his actions we unacceptable and refute them. He is seen in pictures standing on the United States of America Flag that is on the ground. A direct violation to the Flag Ediquette. I am not saying that obama is a terrorist, but I will say that he has talked to them and done business with them. He also is guilty of high crimes because he has closed Guamtanamo Bay. He has also released KNOWN TERRORISTS back into society and they have already killed people. All of this since he took office. That is a High Crime, and it is also Treason.

obama meets the qualifications for Articles of Impeachment to be brought up against him. He is a disgrace to the American Society and should be locked away forever. He has attacked the 2nd Amendment, 5th Amendment, and the 10 Amendment and I am sure if I looked further he probably has attacked others. This man is not fit to be the President of the United States of America and therefore should be impeached. I would ask that you contact your Representatives and Senators and ask them to bring forth Articles of Impeachment against barack hussain obama.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Troops being sent to Texas?

Hello again everyone. Well I read an article today that really got me steaming. This article was about obama "looking into" sending more troops to protect the border. As many of you may or may not know, Texas is on the verge of a International Civil War. The drug cartel's in Mexico are teaming up now and possibly could out number the Mexican Army which only has 140,000 troops. Anyways the article was ok, but this part of it got me going:

"We're going to examine whether and if National Guard deployments would make sense and under what circumstances they would make sense," Obama said, according to an account by McClatchy Newspapers. "I don't have a particular tipping point in mind. ... I think it's unacceptable if you've got drug gangs crossing our borders and killing U.S. citizens."

What in the world is wrong with this guy? Is he really crazy or what? In case maybe he was not briefed on what is occuring at our southern border, things are going to hell in a hand basket. The situation on the border is horrible. The voilence has poured over into the United States. Kidnappings, shootings, gang activity are all on the rise. President obama needs a tipping point???? Mr. President, you need to get your head out of where ever it is because it's not screwed on straight and you have no idea how to be a President, you have no idea how to lead a nation, and you have no idea how to protect our border. Why would it not make sense to send the military to protect our borders? I mean come on people, I was not born yesterday, nor did I just fall off of the turnup truck. What we have going on in Texas is a situation that is more important than fighting the war in Afganistian. Our troops need to protect us now. Send them to the border, give them orders to shoot anyone that comes across illegially. If you want amisty, then you come to the front gate and you tell our border patrol agents, and then let the paperwork begin. Otherwise you risk the chance of dying.

Some will say, but Eric your not being fair to the Mexican people. Well, this is not about them anymore. To a point it is because they are the ones that are fleeing because they are being driven out by these drug cartels, but at what point does America say enough is enough. We have laws, we have rules that say if you want to be here, do it legally. If you dont then you stand a chance of being shot and killed. We have to protect our border. Seal it up and kill anyone that steps accrossed. Its that simple. This is a issue of NATIONAL SECURITY. up and start doing whats right for our Country...oh wait your not going to do that because it does not fit into your socialist way of dictating. We need to stand one with Texas, they have been calling out to the government and the governement is letting their cry for help fall on deaf ears. The President has had his mind on other things, like the 8000 some earmarks in the latest stimulus package that he just signed. Thanks for lying to us obama....thanks a lot, but then again America gets what it voted for, good thing I did not vote for you. Your sleezy cronies have been investigated by the FBI, and you just had another one investigated. whats right for the Country. Step down.

Seriously though folks, this guy promised change and has broken every bit of his promise(s). Our Country is falling and failing cannot you see that? Why dont you stand up and fight for America. The old saying and song says: You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything. America, it already happened. You had nothing to stand on. You were so hell bent on "the polices of George W Bush" were so bad, he lead us into war, and he did this and that, that you were looking for someone else to lead this Country. What happened? A good looking African American came along, promised change, promised that you would get to see exactly what your government does, promised you that before he would sign a bill that it would sit out there for review....promise after promise after promise. All lies. All decet. America, you have been screwed. We all know why he got elected, now you have to live with it. He is your President, he has brough us closer to a depression than George Bush ever would have. We now stand on the verge of our own soil being attacked, and might I remind you that we have not been attacked on our own soil since 09/11/2001. President George W Bush took the new war on terror to them. Fought them over there to keep the homeland safe. Now, thanks to obama, we stand the biggest risk of all, attack on our homeland simply because he cannot find a "tipping point in his mind" to send our troops to the border to protect us. Wake up obama....wake up and take a hard look around you as to what is really happening.

Friday, March 6, 2009

so much for change America!

Well since my last post, it appears that we have gotten that change that obama promised us during his bid as President. This man is seriously considering signing the stimulus package bill. Several of his own party now are trying to derail this bill and keep it from passing. Folks, there were over 8000 earmarks. Dollars(millions) for pig research, grape research and a whole lot more.

During all of this, him and his cronies have put forth many attempts to infringe on the 2nd Amendment. There have been many statements made that the assault weapons ban is coming back and with more weapons in it. More recently Mexico has been fighting a Civil war with Mexican cartel's. The Cartel's numbers are astonishing....100,000 strong! The Mexican army is only 140,000 strong, so as you can see the cartel's are gaining on the military. The Mexican President says that America is responsible for the fully automatic weapons that are smuggled into Mexico, and therefore supports a complete assault weapons ban here in America. Now to another problem. This war has spilled over into Texas. The Texas Emergency Operations Center has been activated, and the Texas National Guard has been put on Alert. Texas is on the verge of an International Civil War. The Governor of Texas Rick Perry has typed a letter to President obama but obama has not responded to the letter. Texas as of right now is on its own and is acting alone. Texas has told the USA that they can handle the problem. However, this war has been blocked by the media, it has only been mentioned a few times and it is sickning to see that 4 NFL football players that took a boat out off of California's coast has had PRIME SPOTS on all of the major news networks. Why is this? Why is this International War not receiving prime time spots? Texas being threatned. Our border is being threatned, OUR COUNTRY IS BEING THREATNED!!!! This is sickning and I cannot believe that our President, OUR PRESIDENT is doing nothing, thats right NOTHING to help Texas out. This President has destroyed our way of life. The stock market is lower than it has ever been. Unemployment is at the highest that it has ever been. Is this the change that you wanted America? I dont think so, this is why so many people told you not to vote for this man. You would not believe us, instead you let his slick ways of talking and his promises of hope reel you in. You were caught. obama was looking to catch the big one and he did. This man cannot bring change to America, the only way he can bring change is by giving up his post as Commander in Chief. Impeach obama. America wake up and look at what is happening, look at his cronies, most of his cronies have given up their post because they have not paid their taxes for the last 10 years. These people are bad news...very bad news....

OK, well more later.....