Saturday, April 4, 2009

Another Terrorist attack....on our soil!!

I am steaming mad over this one.....I mean steaming mad. The massacre that took place this morning in New York was the work of the Taliban. They have claimed responsibility for the massacre!!!!!,2933,512537,00.html

Under the Republican leadership we were at least protected. Never since 09/11/2001 have we been attacked on our own soil. Today that ends. Global war on terror? You betcha. This is real folks, this is as real as it gets. While the President and his cronies of the obamanation have been in London belittling the USA and telling the world that the USA has been arrogant we were attacked. Because they have kept our eyes, our ears and minds on the bail out, the stimulus package, the Democrats have opened us up to and made us very vulnerable. How long America do we have to let this continue? The obamanation has failed us. They want to take our freedom away, they want to take our guns away, they want to take everything away from us. Had someone in that facility been carrying a legal firearm and possessed a Concealed Pistol Permit, they could have stopped this rampage before it went further. See, this type of attack is one that will come back to haunt us. See this gives the obamanation the grounds that it needs to declare Martial Law. You dont think it's coming? WAKE UP AMERICA.....IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!

This should have you very very upset and mad. You could email everyone of your representatives, including at the House and the Congress level. You should let them know your discuss, you should let them know that we are going to fight back, and everyone of them have been put on notice. Possibly even consider running against them we their time is up. America we have to do something to take our Country back and get these people that are in office out and stop them from scarfing us of every last bit of dignity that we have. WAKE UP and fight, fight for our Country.

04/03/2009- Terrorist Attack on our Country. Need I say more?

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