"Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade. Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the death of police officers, soldiers and civilians," she said during her flight to Mexico City.
"I feel very strongly we have a co-responsibility."
She said US efforts to ban drugs such as cocaine and heroine had clearly not worked and it was unfair to blame Mexico for its drug cartel problem.
These were her words on board her aircraft en route to Mexico to meet with Mexico's President. Is she right? Well yes she is, but only to a point. She is correct that our inability to prevent weapons, drugs and aliens from crossing the border is the problem. Why is it a problem? It's a problem because we have no where near enough agents on the ground to control the situation. There is over 2500 miles of border to protect. The President of the United States has already said that there is not one particular reason that comes into his little shallow bean for a brain as to why we would need to activate the national guard and put them on the border. Today Fox News and CNN News along with others report that a US Marshall was found shot and killed. He was shot in the head and found lying in a ravine. DING DING DING DING.....that alone right there should be all the reason he needs to do the right thing. We need to help Texas, California, Arizona. The National Guard needs to be activated and they need to bring everything that they have at their disposal. Once and for all we need to put a stop to anyone crossing the border. This will stop the weapons. It will stop the drugs, it will stop it all. Once the border is secure, anyone wishing to come to America must do so properly. Anyone seeking to cross over to Mexico will have to do so properly.
We have played around long enough. It's time that the border be shut down, gain control of the border and then slowly but surely allow people to move back and forth. However long this takes is what it takes, then slowly we can withdraw our National Guardsmen and turn total control back over to the Border Patrol.
In other news, again North Korea is being really defiant. They have moved their missile out to the launch pad and have said that they are going to launch a satellite into orbit. However, our intelligence proves otherwise and North Korea has said that if we bomb their missile out of the sky then that is a declaration of war. If that is what North Korea wants, then that is what North Korea will get. When you play with fire, you get burnt. North Korea is playing with fire and will get burnt. If they declare war on the USA, then before they even know what is going on, there will be 5 B52's, Several B2 bombers and several F117's dropping bombs on them completely rendering them incompetent. North Korea does not want to declare war on the USA.
If you are not paying attention to what is happening in Politics, then folks now is the time to start watching, listening. This is your Country. These politicians work for us! We pay them, we pay their income tax, AMERICA is OURS. It is time to take America back and it's time to start holding each and every politician accountable.
1. | the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. |
2. | a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. |
3. | the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery. |
High crimes and misdemeanors is a phrase from Section 4 of Article Two of the United States Constitution: "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
"High" in the legal parlance of the 18th century means "against the State". A high crime is one which seeks the overthrow of the country, which gives aid or comfort to its enemies, or which injures the country to the profit of an individual or group. In democracies and similar societies it also includes crimes which attempt to alter the outcome of elections.
Most of these have already been talked about above. But one still stands very clear. Terrorism. obama's carrer in politics started in the living room of the well known American Terrorist Tom Eyers. That is right folks, obama even admited to sitting in this very living room and discussing politics with him. When asked why he was in the living room of a known domestic terrorist, he simply said that he believed that what Tom did was dispecable but carried on with his discussions anyway. Tom Eyers has NEVER EVER said he was sorry for the acts that he committed, has never said that his actions we unacceptable and refute them. He is seen in pictures standing on the United States of America Flag that is on the ground. A direct violation to the Flag Ediquette. I am not saying that obama is a terrorist, but I will say that he has talked to them and done business with them. He also is guilty of high crimes because he has closed Guamtanamo Bay. He has also released KNOWN TERRORISTS back into society and they have already killed people. All of this since he took office. That is a High Crime, and it is also Treason.
obama meets the qualifications for Articles of Impeachment to be brought up against him. He is a disgrace to the American Society and should be locked away forever. He has attacked the 2nd Amendment, 5th Amendment, and the 10 Amendment and I am sure if I looked further he probably has attacked others. This man is not fit to be the President of the United States of America and therefore should be impeached. I would ask that you contact your Representatives and Senators and ask them to bring forth Articles of Impeachment against barack hussain obama.
"Lobbying Limits
A lobbyist who joins the Obama administration also is forbidden from working on issues they previously were involved with, he said. Any person who leaves the administration will be barred from lobbying the government for two years.
“We need to close the revolving door that lets lobbyists come into government freely and lets them use their time in public service” to promote their own interests when they leave, the president said. Government hiring, he said, will henceforth be based on qualifications, competence and experience, “not political connections.""
According to News Observer.com at least 9 people from his transition team are now employeed by Obama. Thats right these 9 were Lobbyists. When will the double faceness ever stop by the democrats. Do they think people are not watching?
6 days Obama has been in office. On January 20, 2009 he took the oath of office to be some of America's President. Yes Obama is the President of the United States of America, but he is not my President. The Executive orders and directives that he has given thus far only show what kind of President he will be and how long these 4 years indeed are going to last. A lot of you that voted for him have high expectations and I hope your not too disappointed when most of them do not happen. Reversing the abortion ruling simply will lead to more abortions, will allow funding for stem cell research. To me this is just territory that should be off limits. A life is a life, let it be. In the 6 days that Obama has been President he has had his own party begin to wonder why they voted him in. the deceit that Obama brought with his campaign to become President is the same deceit that he is using today. Only difference now is he is president and pretty much can do what he wants. We all become his puppets and he controls us and everything that we do. Obama's campaign started in the living room of a WELL KNOWN AMERICAN TERRORIST and will tell you that he is, but Obama said that it was ok, what he done was dispecable and he has never went back on that, and knows now and knew then that Tom Ayers was a terrorist and has never recinded that statement. How did we let a man become president that is muslim, began his carrer in the living room of a terrorist, a terrorist which by the way degrades the American Flag by placing it on the ground and standing on it (you can search this out on the internet and see plenty of pictures).
Obama does not deserve to be President. He is a sweet talker, was very good at getting his message acrossed to the American People and because he was Half Black automaticly received the vote from all African Americans. By the way did you see the KENYAN NEWS the day that Obama accepted the nomination to become President? It said "Kenyan born Obama to become US President" What is wrong with our country?
America, we need to step up and fight for what is right in this great Country. We are still bound by a Constitution and we need to use it and fight. The Obamanation will not stop until it has utterly destroyed the constitution and the rights of each and every American Citizen. Not to mention the Troops that have died to this day defending our freedom. Freedom is never free, it comes with a price, do you want to see that all go away with the signing of a pen from one man? I should hope you dont.
What will the next 6 days bring for America, sit back and watch, we will have another blog on this subject then. Within the next 30 days I expect to see the Brady bill and Guns brought into the lime light. Remember that we are a Country that believes in the 2nd ammendment. You may not believe in guns, but there are MILLIONS out there that do and believe that it is their right to bear arms and protect themselves. Expect that to come up soon. If and when that does happen, America watch out, the criminals and the government underworld(obamanation) will take charge and you will get to see what Obama is all about.
I rate the Obamanation a F for Failure.
Thats it for now, I look forward to any and all comments.....till next time...