Thursday, April 2, 2009

Oh my...the obamanation lies long will we let this continue??

The obamanation has done it yet again. obama, biden, eric holder, gethner, hillary clinton......they all have said over the last couple of weeks that 90% of the guns found in Mexico are from the US, and that the US should enact an assault weapons ban to prevent this. Well..........THE OBAMANATION LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE YET AGAIN!!!!! People wake up and get this obamanation out of office, they are destroying America and our way of life. They are nothing but liers and deceiters. We cannot allow this to happen any longer, we must impeach the obamanation now.

The real number is 17% of all the guns found in Mexico are from the US. This government is trying to do anything and everything that it can to take away our freedoms, take away our right to bear arms, because a disarmed people will not be able to fight. They know this, that is why since before obama even took office they were attacking the 2nd Amendment. Don't let the media fool you when they try to tell you that obama and his cronies are all for your 2nd amendement rights and that hunting guns are fine. THEY WANT ALL YOUR GUNS!!!!!

I am absolutely sick and tired of this obamanation getting away with what they are. Who is looking out for us, where is our representation? Clearly they have lied and the house and congress can see this, but they are just as guilty. People I need your help in contacting our reps and letting them know that we will not stand for this and we want the obamanation impeached from office so that someone else can take over that has the best outlook for this great Country. The democrats had their chance and they have completely gotten us into a position that is far deeper than the Iraq war. Bush was not so bad now was he? His administration kept you safe, there was not another terrorist attack on America after 09/11/2001. He took to war(s) where they belonged. TO THEM.

Lets fight back folks, this obamanation will not stop until they have completely destroyed the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. "Live free or die" that is the motto....and that is the truth.

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