Friday, March 13, 2009

Troops being sent to Texas?

Hello again everyone. Well I read an article today that really got me steaming. This article was about obama "looking into" sending more troops to protect the border. As many of you may or may not know, Texas is on the verge of a International Civil War. The drug cartel's in Mexico are teaming up now and possibly could out number the Mexican Army which only has 140,000 troops. Anyways the article was ok, but this part of it got me going:

"We're going to examine whether and if National Guard deployments would make sense and under what circumstances they would make sense," Obama said, according to an account by McClatchy Newspapers. "I don't have a particular tipping point in mind. ... I think it's unacceptable if you've got drug gangs crossing our borders and killing U.S. citizens."

What in the world is wrong with this guy? Is he really crazy or what? In case maybe he was not briefed on what is occuring at our southern border, things are going to hell in a hand basket. The situation on the border is horrible. The voilence has poured over into the United States. Kidnappings, shootings, gang activity are all on the rise. President obama needs a tipping point???? Mr. President, you need to get your head out of where ever it is because it's not screwed on straight and you have no idea how to be a President, you have no idea how to lead a nation, and you have no idea how to protect our border. Why would it not make sense to send the military to protect our borders? I mean come on people, I was not born yesterday, nor did I just fall off of the turnup truck. What we have going on in Texas is a situation that is more important than fighting the war in Afganistian. Our troops need to protect us now. Send them to the border, give them orders to shoot anyone that comes across illegially. If you want amisty, then you come to the front gate and you tell our border patrol agents, and then let the paperwork begin. Otherwise you risk the chance of dying.

Some will say, but Eric your not being fair to the Mexican people. Well, this is not about them anymore. To a point it is because they are the ones that are fleeing because they are being driven out by these drug cartels, but at what point does America say enough is enough. We have laws, we have rules that say if you want to be here, do it legally. If you dont then you stand a chance of being shot and killed. We have to protect our border. Seal it up and kill anyone that steps accrossed. Its that simple. This is a issue of NATIONAL SECURITY. up and start doing whats right for our Country...oh wait your not going to do that because it does not fit into your socialist way of dictating. We need to stand one with Texas, they have been calling out to the government and the governement is letting their cry for help fall on deaf ears. The President has had his mind on other things, like the 8000 some earmarks in the latest stimulus package that he just signed. Thanks for lying to us obama....thanks a lot, but then again America gets what it voted for, good thing I did not vote for you. Your sleezy cronies have been investigated by the FBI, and you just had another one investigated. whats right for the Country. Step down.

Seriously though folks, this guy promised change and has broken every bit of his promise(s). Our Country is falling and failing cannot you see that? Why dont you stand up and fight for America. The old saying and song says: You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything. America, it already happened. You had nothing to stand on. You were so hell bent on "the polices of George W Bush" were so bad, he lead us into war, and he did this and that, that you were looking for someone else to lead this Country. What happened? A good looking African American came along, promised change, promised that you would get to see exactly what your government does, promised you that before he would sign a bill that it would sit out there for review....promise after promise after promise. All lies. All decet. America, you have been screwed. We all know why he got elected, now you have to live with it. He is your President, he has brough us closer to a depression than George Bush ever would have. We now stand on the verge of our own soil being attacked, and might I remind you that we have not been attacked on our own soil since 09/11/2001. President George W Bush took the new war on terror to them. Fought them over there to keep the homeland safe. Now, thanks to obama, we stand the biggest risk of all, attack on our homeland simply because he cannot find a "tipping point in his mind" to send our troops to the border to protect us. Wake up obama....wake up and take a hard look around you as to what is really happening.

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